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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
HONEY brand brooms +oval 21
JAYSON brooms +oval 21
JFJ brooms +crown & ovals 21
JHAARU +brush brooms & oval 1, 2, 5, 35
JJ brooms india +oval 21
JK METRO brooms +oval 21
MALOO brooms +broom 21
MMK SUBAH SAVERO 350 brooms 21
MONKEY brand brooms kitchen 21
MONKEY grass brooms JANATA 21
PANKAJ brooms +broom 21
PEACOCK brand grass brooms 21
PLATINUM grass brooms 21
REETA brand grass brooms 21
RUBY grass brooms 21
SANGAM brooms center +birds 21
SAYARA premium brooms 21
SBC brooms india +ovals 21
SHIKARAM grass brooms +arcs 21
SILVER GRASS brooms 21
UTP cleanwell brooms 21
CHANDANA bros 6, 20, 22, 27, 30
CHANDANA bros. 27
JB JEEWAN bros. 24
KALSI bros 12
L.K. bros 25
PANKAJDEEP bros +flower 12
RITA bros 25
SHETH bros +flower 5
HALLOW brother 34
CHAMAN LAL & brothers 25
GILL brothers +squares 6
GOLDY brothers (india) 12
KAPOOR brothers high class 12
LAZARD brothers 16
LB lakra brothers 24
MITTAL brothers you first 37
PATEL brothers mithaiwale 30
PATEL brothers mithaiwalle 30
SODHI & brothers 12
bb BAMRAH brothers +star 6
lb lakra brothers 25
patel-brothers 4
MERICAL sam brow'ne 31
brown SAHEB 34
brown TIGER 19
brown-uv DRISHTI +circle 9
ADONI brown 19
ASEA brown boveri 7
BK brown-pack 17
BRITANNIA brown bread +plan 30
BUSTER brown 3, 4, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 28, 29, 32
CAVER & BROWN caver brown 34
CAVER & BROWN claver brown 34
DIAMOND brown henna +woman 3
GEM brown 19
MAPLE brown 19
ORCHID brown 19
ROYAL brown 19
SAPHIRE brown 19
bakemans BIG brown 30
imperial brown 19
little brown bag 35
marc brown +chef's hat 29
tony brown 25
DICKENS & browne 24
sam browne +dog 22
EXPRESSIONS brownies fudge 30
BURTON filter browns 34
NOKIA xpress browser 9
WINDIK browser +squares 9
brp TANATAN +triangle 31
bru BRUVAN 5
bru-PARA 5
GEMINI +boys with bruggles 34
bruke lam +globe 19
brush 16
brush & circle 25
brush & ovals 21
056 S.L.W. brush +oval 21
99 shave brush +diamond 21
A AAIJI +brush 2, 19
ABCO brand +mouse & brush 16
ACTI brush 3
ADAM +brush 2
AGSAR emulsion +man & brush 1
AJAY brush 16
AJAY better brush +face 21
AJIT brush 16
AJIT polyster +brush 16
ALIBABA +lamp brush stripes 2
AMCOS XL +brush 2
AMIGO +tooth brush 3
ANGOLO +tooth brush 3
ANJU ARTS +brush 16
ANOO CREATIONS +brush & ova 42
APNACEM +hand & brush 2
APTEK +man brush & oval 2
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